Monday, May 24, 2010

CGOA Masters of Techniques & Stitches

I've finished it! My portfolio for the CGOA Masters of Techniques & Stitches. It consists of 13 questions and 48 swatches that they allow you 3 months to complete. (Now since I don't really have a life outside of court and knitting/crochet, it only took me 2 weeks to do it! But it might take others a bit longer, if you have others to attend to.)

I did not find it hard. Just time consuming, which is why I wanted to keep at it. I know myself, and if I get away from something, it takes me a long while to get back to it.

Now I have to send it off to someone to review, who will then decide whether I get my Certificate.

I don't know if it will amount to much of anything more than just my own edification, but it is that, and it is something I enjoyed doing; AND I have the portfolio to show others.

I would recommend this to others for their learning experience as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Philosopher's Wool Crochet Coat

The Philosopher's Wool Crochet Coat is something I've been looking at for a long time. I didn't even remember having the pattern! I've had that for a long time, too, because it's in the Encyclopedia of Crochet. It's a gorgeous sweater. I'm really glad it's in that book, too, as the various stitches are described in detail. Fortunately, I also have a plethora of crochet stitch books. So I can substitute other stitches, if I don't like how one looks. I'm facing that situation right now.

I'm trying to "follow the pattern." However, with Philosopher's Wool patterns, you are given the opportunity to use your imagination. I guess that's good; but as you are all aware, most knitters and crocheters are not really used to doing that. I'm also dealing with about 15 different colors; I have no idea of whether I'll have enough to finish this sweater; I sure hope so. I ordered the yarn as a kit, so I've relied on the suppliers to know how much yarn I need, which may have been a mistake. I will let you know.

It's finished.

Actually, I finished the baby outfit awhile ago. Here's a photo of it:

It is a fair isle one-piece with a bonnet to match that one of my friends from work asked me to make for her vet's baby girl. It was a big hit!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It must be in the water!

I'm working on baby outfits. More than one of them. Plus I'm also re-finishing a sweater for a friend who didn't like how it'd been put together before. Of course, a couple of threads were cut in the process. It's almost to be expected because it's hard to tell where the sweater is and where the finishing thread is--they're the same type of yarn. So I have to fix that, too. No biggie--at least I hope not.

I do want to get back to the Faery Ring, but I don't know when that'll happen. I know I have all the time I need; but I don't like it when I take indefinite breaks.

And still, my yarn stash continues to grow. I actually thought of calling the Junk people that were advertised in the paper yesterday to help me de-clutter the place. I have no idea how to do the yarn room. I have 2 very young (4 month old) kittens who are very anxious to help me out with any activity.

My life is somewhat chaotic right now. So knitting of any kind helps.

Hope it does yours too.

Happy knitting!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Faery Ring

I went with Black Water Abbey Purple Gentian for my Faery Ring. I'm still working on the bottom ring, and taking my time about it. I went to the class a couple of weeks ago that Janet Szabo offered about the cables, which was fabulous. She suggested using glove needles as cable needles. I took that suggestion and ordered a set from Skacel, size 2's. They are working wonderfully.

After a little study, I finally figured out the pattern. At first blush (that's what we lawyers say!), it looks like there are two conflicting ways Mary has written her knits and purls. But if you really study the pattern, it's not, because the difference is only in the cables. I, personally, (and this is only my opinion, so take it for what that is worth), think it would have been a little less confusing to have made the knits all blank boxes, and the purls with dots, (or something similar).



What's on my needles now? Whew! Which ones, I ask? I have so many things in progress that I have no idea what they are. That is one reason for this blog--to help keep track.

The Faery Ring KAL is just the first of what I hope will be many projects you will see here and hopefully will be as interested in as I am to watch them "grow" into what they will eventually become.

I welcome your comments. Enjoy!